Thursday, November 6, 2014

During the recent period we have heard much about people wanting to kill themselves, to stop their suffering, and to have a good death, meanwhile the canadian still don't know if the law in Canada is going to change to allow euthanasia or doctor-assisted suicide .
According to a new report by the canadian medical association, the canadian public is divided on whether to ban doctor-assisted suicide or to make it legal.
Doctor-assisted suicide is when a patient with disease or a limited life expectancy choose to end their life with the help of a specialist.
But the main difference between doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia according to ( is that in assisted suicide the patient is in complete control of the process that leads to death because he/she is the person who performs the suicide act, the other person simply helps.
Quebec is the first province in Canada that has already adopted the "end-of-life-care-bill" on June 5,2014. The problem is still that this bill, that has already become a law, will take between a year to a year and half to implement and there is still a great debate among legislators, doctors, and citizens about it.
I've conducted a quick survey among students in my school, in which I asked them if they were for or against doctor-assisted suicide. I came across the following numbers:
AGAINST: %24.8
FOR: %68.6
The students who participated in my survey were 105 students in grades 11 and 12. And as it is shown in the chart of numbers above %68.6 were in favour of, while %24.8 were not. Taking into consideration that %6.6 were on the same distance of both opinions. However, all participants expressed their opinions with a great deal of passion, as it involves every one of us in the community.