Saturday, January 24, 2015

Doctor-assisted suicide is a huge debate in the community. And one of the reasons that doctor assisted suicide is still a debate and critical decision to take, is because of all the different points of view that affect this decision whether to make doctor-assisted suicide legal or not.
One of these points of view is the church's opinion. The church is totally against doctor-assisted suicide. For the church, everything happens for a reason including suffering.
According to a priest I talked to, asking about the church`s opinion on the debate, suffering for the church has a divine meaning, and has a redemptive power on the lives of the people who suffer, their families, and friends. In Christianity, believers who devote their pain and suffering to be united with Jesus Christ will be rewarded with resurrection as well. An example, according to the priest, is prophet Job who lost everything he had except his faith in God, and he was rewarded by God for his patience, where he regains more than what he previously had.
After hearing all of this I had the question that probably most of you are thinking about now: why would God do all of this bad things to Job and then give it back. But actually it is not God who bombarded Job with all of these problems. God is the resource of goodness, and the bad things that happen to us sometimes are the result of our decisions, faults and bad things we do.
Lastly and most importantly, that our life is the gift of god's love to us. He gives it to us and he takes it back when it is time.
For Christians, this life is not given to mankind so the people can end it when they want, please or even when they have to. God gave us the freedom to do whatever we want; yet, life is still not among those things.

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